Sunday, July 29, 2007

Trends for the Future

Do you remember the famous corner of 16th Avenue and Cambie St, where three municipalities once met? Today it showcases trends that are likely to affect the Cambie Village as a whole.

Two years ago, a new multi-story mixed-use retail development went in at the northwest corner of the intersection, featuring a large Capers market on the ground floor, with condos above.

Capers building

Last month, a swath of single-family homes on the northeast corner (along 16th avenue) were demolished to make room for new condominium construction. This picture, taken on May 30 of this year, shows the corner of the Canada Line Information Centre and the house next door.

Canada Line Community Information Centre/ Doomed House

This photo, on July 4 shows that the house is gone (along with many of its neighbours along 16th Avenue).

Canada Line Information Centre and Empty Lot

Yes, that is a realtor's sign along the fence. Unbuilt condos are already for sale!

This kind of large-scale redevelopment is not (yet) widespread within the streets surrounding the Cambie Village strip. However, North of Broadway, mixed-use developments which include condos are growing like mushrooms along Cambie Street towards the future "Olympic Village" along False Creek.

Today, standing at Cambie and Broadway and looking across the bridge towards downtown, you see a skyline bristling with cranes. I wonder how far up Cambie the new condo buildings will stretch within a few years. While new development in the Cambie Village area (particularly near the northern end) is ostensibly independent from Canada Line construction, I do think that the pace of change is related to the coming rapid transit line.

Wendy's and Cranes


1 comment:

Vansterdam Kid said...

Technically that development you're describing on the north-east corner of 16th and Cambie will be a series of townhouses. But I get your general point.

Anyways, I love your website. Keep publishing it.